Welcome to the South East Green Party

The South East Green Party works with Local Parties all across the South East to win elections and ensure a fairer, greener future for the region!

Join us now at the most exciting time in our history!

We just had a record-breaking General Election and elected four Green MPs to Parliament. We are about to deliver real hope and real change, be part of it, become a member today.

Who are we?

We are the Green Party of England and Wales, a political organisation and movement that prioritises building a future that is Green and equal. Greens are now holding those in power to account everywhere, whether it’s from our new Green MPs, our peers in the House of Lords, our London Assembly members or our 100s of Councillors across England and Wales.

Why should I join the Green Party of England and Wales?

There’s no climate justice without social justice. Whether you are passionate about clean air, human rights, ending systemic racism, or stopping climate change, it’s all linked. We are the only party that understands this and has the plan and policies to tackle these issues and create a fair and sustainable society.

 This year also saw us win more Councillors and MP’s than we ever have before in our 50 year history. There has never been a better time to Join the Green Party!

What We Do

The South East Green Party is an association of all Green Parties across the South East. We are here to support local Parties to win seats at all levels of Government, from Local Councillors to Parliament. It is our mission to push for a more environmentally and socially friendly South East.

Join the fight for a fairer, greener future across the South East. Join the South East Green Party today.


We’re always working hard to make big wins happen across the South East. Click the button below to view the newest updates on our many campaigns, and to submit your own Green news!


The South East would not be the same without our amazing team of volunteers and staff. Press the button below to meet the people who make the South East Green Party what it is!


Have any questions you want answered? Want to discuss something with our team? Interested in getting involved but don’t know how?


What we stand for? 


Want to join the cause?